VanOne is a trademark of VOGB Ltd, registered and used in the United Kingdom

VanOne Contact

From our London headquarters, we successfully serve the people of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

If you’re looking for a quote, why not try using our online quotation form. Fill in your details and we’ll give you a fantastic price for your removal.

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Detailed information about VanOne service can be found on this website.

If you prefer to speak to one of our customer services advisors dial
+ 44 330 113 7939 option 1 or use the online chat feature available on this website. Alternatively, email us at

+ 44 330 113 7939 option 2

The logistics line is available from Monday to Friday between 8:00 and 20:00 and on Saturdays and Sundays between 8:00 and 16:00

(Outside of working hours we keep reading voicemails)

Please contact logistics if you've already booked your move with VanOne.

We are unable to confirm the exact time of loading for 5 and 10 cubic metres orders earlier then 24 hours before the planned loading. You will be notified about the exact time of loading of your 5 and 10 cubic metres order, by email at least 24 hours before planned loading. The 15 and 30 cubic metres orders are loaded at times selected by the client during the booking process.

Complaints and Feedback

Are you satisfied with our service?

If you have any enquiries about customs clearance related issues and didn't find answers on a page of the country you're moving to, please write an email to our customs clearance representative.

If you would like to offer something very special to us,
we look forward hearing from you.

You can purchase packaging materials for your move with VanOne online at our Packaging Materials for Removals Shop. All purchased packaging materials from us will be dispatched to your UK address on the next working day after your online order is confirmed.

This may take up to 3 days to deliver.

To receive information about the delivery of your packaging materials dial + 44 330 113 7939 option 3.

Select the topic

Get an Instant Quote

Detailed information about VanOne service can be found on this website.

If you prefer to speak to one of our customer services advisors dial
+ 44 330 113 7939 option 1 or use the online chat feature available on this website. Alternatively, email us at

+ 44 330 113 7939 option 2

The logistics line is available from Monday to Friday between 8:00 and 20:00 and on Saturdays and Sundays between 8:00 and 16:00

(Outside of working hours we keep reading voicemails)

Please contact logistics if you've already booked your move with VanOne.

We are unable to confirm the exact time of loading for 5 and 10 cubic metres orders earlier then 24 hours before the planned loading. You will be notified about the exact time of loading of your 5 and 10 cubic metres order, by email at least 24 hours before planned loading. The 15 and 30 cubic metres orders are loaded at times selected by the client during the booking process.

You can purchase packaging materials for your move with VanOne online at our Packaging Materials for Removals Shop. All purchased packaging materials from us will be dispatched to your UK address on the next working day after your online order is confirmed.

This may take up to 3 days to deliver.

To receive information about the delivery of your packaging materials dial + 44 330 113 7939 option 3.

Complaints and Feedback

Are you satisfied with our service?

If you have any enquiries about customs clearance related issues and didn't find answers on a page of the country you're moving to, please write an email to our customs clearance representative.

If you would like to offer something very special to us,
we look forward hearing from you.

Our Address

VOGB Ltd, Newman Business Centre, 2 Newman Road, Bromley BR1 1RJ

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