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How Much Does It Cost to Ship Belongings to France?

If you’re planning to move to France and wondering, “How much does it cost to ship belongings to France?” the answer can vary based on several factors. These include the volume of items, the distance, and the shipping method (air or sea). On average, shipping a 20-foot container by sea from the UK to France can cost around £1,415, while air freight for 100 kg might cost about £185. After reading this article, you’ll know how planning and researching to get the best offer from an experienced moving company makes the difference in whether you’ll spare or overspend your money.

Can I Take Furniture to France?

Yes, you can take your furniture to France. When shipping large items like furniture, it’s important to pack them securely and understand the customs regulations. Using professional packing services can ensure your furniture arrives safely. Services like ours at VanOne assist you with tailored advice and the best packing materials to take care of your belongings. Our guidance goes beyond the paperwork and dealing with customs officials. Our website is equipped with tips from the first step of your move to the delivery of your goods in your new home. Contact us today for a free quote or a chat to clear your doubts.

Do I Have to Pay Duty on Items Shipped to France?

Whether you must pay duty on items shipped to France depends on several factors. Suppose you have lived outside France for over a year and are moving your belongings back. In that case, you may be exempt from customs duties, provided you have the necessary documentation, such as a Certificate of Change of Residence from the French Consulate. Also, the place you’re coming from will tell a lot about the amount of necessary paperwork and tax prices. Be aware of the rules for EU citizens and non-EU citizens. For example, when moving from the UK to France, personal belongings can be brought duty-free if you’ve lived outside the EU for over a year and owned them for six months. VAT applies to all goods, including online orders and gifts over €45. Proper documentation, such as a detailed inventory and residency proof, is essential. Restricted items and extra paperwork may also be required​.

What Cannot Be Brought into France?

France has specific regulations on what items cannot be brought into the country. These include certain types of plants, foodstuffs, weapons, and falsified goods. It’s essential to check the latest regulations on the French Customs website to ensure compliance and avoid any issues during the move. When relocating to France, individuals cannot bring narcotics, weapons without permits, counterfeit goods, and meat or dairy products due to strict health regulations. Bringing plants, fruits, vegetables, and certain medicines requires special documentation. Alcohol and tobacco imports are limited and subject to duties. A detailed inventory, proof of ownership, and residency documentation are necessary for customs. These measures ensure compliance with French regulations and prevent health and safety risks.

How Much Cash Can You Carry into France?

When entering France, you can carry up to €10,000 in cash without declaring it; exceeding this amount requires a declaration to French customs. Failure to declare amounts over €10,000 can result in severe consequences such as the seizure of the undeclared cash, substantial fines ranging from €750 to half the amount, legal action including potential imprisonment, and delays due to interrogation by customs officials. For example, a traveller caught with €20,000 undeclared had the entire amount seized, faced a €5,000 fine, and experienced significant travel delays due to legal proceedings. Adhering to these regulations is crucial to avoid these severe penalties and ensure a smooth experience.

Do I Need a Customs Declaration for France?

When relocating to France, you must complete a customs declaration if bringing items that exceed duty-free allowances or are subject to restrictions. Personal items worth up to €430 for air or sea travellers and up to €300 for land travellers are duty-free. For example, an individual who brought plants without the necessary phytosanitary certificate experienced delays and penalties due to failing to comply with import regulations. Consulting specialists to get your clearance and comply with duties will always be better than delaying your move and cheaper than paying extra because of avoidable mistakes.

How Do Customs Work in France?

When relocating to France, personal removals are subject to specific customs procedures. You must provide proof of having lived outside the EU for at least 12 months and evidence of residency in France, such as council tax bills or rental agreements. A detailed inventory list of all items being moved is required, along with a signed “Certificat de Non-Cession” declaring that the items are for personal use and won’t be sold for at least a year. Personal belongings like furniture and household items can be imported duty-free if owned and used for at least six months before the move. New items may incur VAT and customs duties. For example, a family moving from the UK to France successfully imported their belongings duty-free by providing the necessary documentation and ensuring items met the six-month ownership rule. Conversely, a traveller bringing a new television had to pay VAT and duties as it didn’t meet the exemption criteria. A reputable international removal company can help you navigate these requirements and avoid headaches.

International Relocation with VanOne

At VanOne International Movers, we specialise in making your move to France smooth and hassle-free. From customs clearance to door-to-door collection and delivery, we handle every step of the process. Our team ensure your belongings arrive safely and on time. We offer an automated quotation checker and a user-friendly online portal for logistics management. How much does it cost to ship belongings to France? Visit our website today and see for yourself. It’s as easy as using an app to call a car. With our competitive rates and tailored customer service, we strive to provide the best value for your move.

Published By VanOne
Last updated on 24th June 2024

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