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Driving in Slovakia

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Driving in Slovakia

Public Transport

If you don’t want to be driving in Slovakia, you’ll be glad to know that it offers buses, trains and taxis. In Bratislava and Kosice there are trams, and also trolleybuses in some towns. There are regular trains and buses with neighbouring countries, and taxis are available in every town.

Buses — you can buy the tickets from newsagents, ticket dispensers at the bus stop and sometimes from the driver. Be sure to punch your ticket as soon as you enter the bus to avoid a fine. Travel cards are available, and there are frequent services in town (coloured red) and linking towns (coloured blue).

There are both national and international trains, although many areas require access by bus. There is river transport and a high speed route between Bratislava, Vienna and Bucharest, on the river Danube.

Driving in Slovakia

Driving tends to be aggressive, drivers often go too fast (especially in bad weather), push into dangerously small gaps, tailgate and overtake regardless of others. So drive defensively to allow yourself more time to think. Watch out for oncoming cars overtaking on your side of the road (particularly on bends and hills). Headlights are required by law 24 hours a day. There is also zero tolerance on drink driving. However, the toll roads are a pleasure with a speed limit of 130km/hour — often ignored.

Be aware that many car insurances do not cover damage to the under-parts or wheels of your vehicle, and be wary of driving through a puddle or you may find out why. Also, note that red lights only mean STOP if it is unsafe to go on.

What you MUST carry in your car:

There is zero tolerance to alcohol. Any alcohol found in your system can result in an immediate fine, or criminal proceedings. Headlights should be on in winter at all times. Speed limits are:

Check the prices of removals to Slovakia.

Michael Heisenberg
Published By Michael Heisenberg
Last updated on 27th March 2025

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