Once you are registered to work in Spain and make National Insurance contributions, you’ll be entitled to state-run healthcare on the same basis as a Spanish national. For further information, visit the Seguridad Social website (http://www.seg-social.es/Internet_6/index.htm) which gives up-to-date information, appropriate for you.
If you’re a beneficiary of a UK state retirement pensions in Spain or long-term incapacity benefit, you may be entitled to state-funded healthcare paid for by the UK. You’ll need to apply for form S1 from the International Pension Centre (tel: 0191 218 7777). You need to register your S1 with Spanish authorities. This entitles you to an EHIC issued by the UK. Which in turn allows access to medical care in other EEA countries, including Britain.
Hospital notes may not follow you around as they do in the UK — YOU NEED TO KEEP YOUR OWN ACCURATE AND DETAILED RECORDS! One good thing for us is that many doctors speak good English and are happy to practise it.
The NHS website gives excellent advice and up-to-date information (nhs.uk/Healthcare).
If you are a pensioner, you need to inform the IPC (International Pension Centre) to prevent problems with your pension payments (tel: 0191 218 7777).
Spain has double taxation agreements with the UK so you will not be taxed twice. Provided – of course – that you ensure that the tax offices are aware of your circumstances. You can arrange to have your pension paid directly into your Spanish bank account. This way you still benefit from the increases as if you still lived in Britain.
Contact HMRC and your pension providers well before you leave the UK. Or, if you are working in Spain, ensure you know the pension conditions appertaining to your work. The Spanish pensions are part of their social security system, therefore the formalities are taken care of in the Seguridad Social.
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