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Tag Archives : Removals To Lithuania

Medical care in Lithuania

Lithuania’s National Health Insurance Fund (VLK) oversees medical care in Lithuania.

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Social Life in Lithuania

Family comes before any other aspects of social life in Lithuania and, together with religion forms the basic structure of life here. The catholic religion helped to maintain he countries heritage during the Soviet years. It also accounts for the importance of observing name days (your own saint’s day) rather than birthdays, and many of their festivals are religion based.

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Going native in Lithuania

Finding a job in Lithuania as a foreigner might be difficult, but it most certainly is (next to buying a house) one of two things you would want to do to really immerse yourself in the local culture.

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Public Transportation in Vilnius Lithuania

Driving in Lithuania is not unlike driving in the UK. Drive defensively, expect the unexpected. The alcohol level permitted is 0.04%.

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Moving to Lithuania

There are around 30,000 pairs of storks – and the myths surrounding storks and babies are ever present. The land is mainly flat so you will see them decorating any vantage point. Lithuania has 758 rivers and over 2,800 lakes as well as 61 miles of Baltic Sea coastline.

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Relocating to Lithuania

When relocating to Lithuania you need to lodge an application for the issue of a residence permit with the diplomatic mission or consular post of Lithuania abroad. Documents shall be submitted personally to the Lithuanian Embassy in alien’s home country or to the Lithuanian Migration Office directly if alien is legally in the Republic of Lithuania.  You need the following documents:

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