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Driving in Croatia

Driving in Croatia

Public Transportation Bus The bus service is one of the many alternatives to driving in Croatia. It’s relatively inexpensive, however, as there are often different bus companies on the same route, note that prices can vary, and you usually have to pay extra for luggage placed under the bus. If you plan a return, you may find it best to buy a single ticket so that you are not obliged to use the...

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Living in Croatia

Living in Croatia

Registering Essentials Settling in Dubrovnik, Zagreb or any other Croatian city is much less troublesome since the country’s admission to European Union. However, considering that – short of tourism trade – jobs are paying much less than in Britain, cost of living in Croatia in general and prices of properties in particular can be surprisingly high. Buying a house in Croatia Buying a home in Croatia is...

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Social Life in Croatia

Social Life in Croatia

Social Life in Croatia Language In Croatia they speak Croatian (Hrvatski). Although learning this language can be a long and uneasy process, knowing the basics should help in having a social life in Croatia. There are four national standards and four dialects often erroneously termed “Serbo-Croatian” by the British, although some native speakers prefer the term as...

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Social and Health Care in Croatia

Social and Health Care in Croatia

Social and Health Care in Croatia Moving to the country you might want to know that you are entitled to receive your UK pension even while abroad. You’ll also do well to gain some basic knowledge about health care in Croatia. Luckily, that’s what this article is for. UK Pensions in Croatia You will need to check the Pension Service in the UK for up to...

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Moving to Croatia

Moving to Croatia

Moving to Croatia              Have you been looking for a pleasant place to live or retire? Maybe you received a business or work opportunity that you just can’t turn down, or perhaps you are looking for a fresh perspective with the potential to give your life a new direction and impulse? In truth, the reason doesn’t really matter: whether your interest is...

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Relocating to Croatia from the UK

Relocating to Croatia from the UK

Relocating to Croatia from the UK Are Human Beings the only intelligent species to enjoy the beauty of the Croatian coast?...

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