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Fly Tipping UK

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Fly Tipping UK, a common problem in the UK

Fly Tipping UK

Figures released back in 2015 highlighted that more than half of the 10 worst areas for fly tipping UK, illegally dumping rubbish, were in London.

Topping that list was Haringey, situated in north London, with a whopping 25,000 cases being reported in 2014. To put that into perspective, this was the equivalent of one fly tipping offence for every 10 people residing in the area.

The worst thing about this set of data? It indicated an upward trend in the number of fly tipping UK cases.

What are local authorities doing?

On the back of the shocking revelations, a number of local authorities pledged to encourage residents to dispose of their rubbish and waste properly.

The National Fly Tipping Prevention Group (NFTPG) was set up to combine organisations with a common aim: to come up with solutions to the problem of fly tipping UK. Has it been enough though?

What can be done to stop fly tipping UK?

Behaviour change is something that is very difficult to mould and manipulate. It is possible, however, when the funds are put in place.

A good example of this is seen with the Hubbub litter campaign on the streets of London. Originating in Villiers Street, a busy London road, the ‘Neat Streets’ initiative looked at appealing to the general public by providing engaging activities to help decrease littering. According to results released earlier on this year, Hubbub claims the amount of litter produced had dropped by 25 per cent and total littering behaviour by 16 per cent by the end of the campaign.

Another way to deter people from fly tipping may involve the introduction of more stringent deterrents, such as fines or a point system as seen with speeding offences. A fly tipping UK enforcement initiative started over ten years ago in Buckinghamshire has saved tax payers over £1 million, so it could and does work.

Both suggestions require funding from Government, as well as the structure to oversee the management of new behaviour change tools, and these are two things that don’t just materialise overnight.

With fly tipping becoming an increasing problem for residents and local authorities alike, key policy makers in Government need to step up to the plate and create a robust road map to help London to clean up its act.


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Michael Heisenberg
Published By Michael Heisenberg
Last updated on 28th March 2025

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