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Tag Archives : Moving To France

Relocating to France with a dog

Would you miss your bacon? Most people who relocate to another country have some regrets at some time. Among the regrets for the British in France was the loss of English food! Bacon sarnies and crumpets?

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Retirement in France for UK citizens

Many Brits have retired in France. The country is extremely popular with the Brits because of its close proximity to England. France is separated from England by the English Channel. Paris is the most populous city in France and also the capital. There is a large community of British expats in Paris. As a result, the Cote d’Azur is an Anglophone or English speaking area, as well as Aix en Provence with many British expats residing there. This blog will shed light on the topic of retiring to France from UK.

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Before you relocate to France – houses for Sale in France

If you are moving to France and thinking of buying a home, you are in luck since buying houses in this country is fairly straightforward. The registration system is clear, and anyone, even expats, should find it easy to understand. Even so, there are certain things you need to know, pitfalls to avoid and rules to follow. This article helps you to get basic information about houses for sale in France.

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Tips for people moving from UK to France – British Communities in France

Thousands of Brits consider moving to France every year, and that is not surprising considering the beauty, tranquility, food, wine and climate of this country. Being British it is only natural to want to look for communities in France where you can share time with your fellows, so here is a guide to help you find the best places to stay in the country and to get more information concerning British communities in France.

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Food Prices in France Compared to the UK: Analysing the Differences

Which country treats your wallet better when filling your plate – France or the UK? The culinary costs in France have long been a topic of dinner table discussions, especially compared with the expenses on the British side of the Channel. We understand that one-size-fits-all statements aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, so we’ll sidestep those here. Join us as we embark on a flavorful exploration. We will explain why and how food prices differ between these two gastronomically rich destinations. The next piece of our food price puzzle involves comparing supermarket prices.

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