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Tag Archives : Removals To Finland

Social Insurance in Finland

To access medical care in Finland you need a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). You have to pay the same patient contributions as a permanent resident of Finland. Note that workers and civil servants moving to Finland from UK are still covered by the UK national insurance system. Your employer needs to ask HMRC for forms E101 and E106, which prove that tax and NI contributions are paid in the UK.

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Jobs and Pensions in Finland

The European Free Movement of Workers agreement makes finding job in Finland as a foreigner that much easier. It means that you can live and work in Finland without a visa or work permit. You do, however, need a residency permit. When you register residency, you will be asked why you want to live in Finland, and your permit may be based upon your work prospects. It may be a permit based on employment or a permit based on self-employment.

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Social Life in Finland

Finns are generally relaxed about dress and manners — but they do not appreciate unpunctuality. If you are running late, let your host or business associates know — but try to be prompt. Finns also have little time for “small talk” and, in fact the language has no word for “please”. And you need not worry about the occasional silences, those are one of several finish trademarks that make social life in Finland both peculiar and original. Many Finns are highly competitive and excel at sports. With so much water, water sports have to be popular, and many Finns own their own boats. The sauna is part of most homes, social and relaxing, but usually not with mixed sexes, unless close friends or family. And yes, the habit of leaping into ice-cold water or rolling around in the snow is certainly a part of the experience. Winter is a time to enjoy. With triple glazing and central heating you should not get cold, but be aware of the possibility of frost bite if you go out in winter...

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Finnish Language and Culture

Finland might be known for its free schools and the quality of education, but did you know that Finland was also the first country to grant every person the right to have one-megabit broadband connection? It’s no surprise that it has even been called the Silicon Valley of Europe and is the proud home of Angry Birds and Nokia! Though there’s a real possibility you didn’t even know these things came from Finland, as Finns have a tendency to downplay their achievements in the fear of seeming arrogant. Just like the ads on TV said, Finland is a country where you keep living your normal life after winning the lottery because you feel ashamed for being rich.

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Moving to Finland

The oldest Chewing Gum in the world has been found — it’s 5 000 years old! That finding is especially moving to Finland nationals, as this astounding record now belongs to Suomi. A piece of chewing gum, with tooth marks from the Stone Age chewer belonged to someone who used to live on the area of modern day Finland. Made from birch bark, it contains phenol, an antiseptic useful to treat infections — so maybe that person 5 000 year ago had tooth-ache and a gum infection. Apparently, chewing sugar-free gum after meals stimulates the production of saliva which does offer some protection against tooth decay.

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Relocating to Finland from UK

When relocating to Finland from UK, you will need to take care of several formalities, most prominent of those are passing the customs and registering your stay.

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Relocating to Finland

Buying a home may be a crucial matter when you’re relocating to Finland. Happily it’s safe and non-problematic. The provisions of the legislation are clear and understandable. Note that to buy in the Aland Islands it is necessary to purchase a special permit from the Finnish government.

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Moving to Finland with Pets

Moving to Finland with pets is possible, but there are requirements you need to be aware of well before of the moving day.

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11 Tips for move to Finland

Finland – the country where you can roam the wilderness, ski in an unspoilt land and enjoy water sports on one of it 180,000 lakes. Although Finland is the fifth largest country in Europe, it is also the least populated, with around 5.4 million people.While the winters are long and dark, this is the land of the midnight sun. You can get free digital maps from The National Land Survey of Finland, and road maps from the Finnish Transport Agency. While Finnish is the national language, Swedish is also widely spoken. If you intend to move to Finland, you will have some essential preparation – and these 11 Tips for move to Finland are designed to help you.

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