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How to Find Schools in Portugal

How to Find Schools in Portugal

The location of the school your children will attend is based upon the area of residency, or of the work location of one of the parents. New citizens have as much right to enrol their children in the education system as birthright citizens do. It is the location of the new home that decides where they will go to school.

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How flexible you need to be with dates of loading of smaller orders?

How flexible you need to be with dates of loading of smaller orders?

If the items you are planning to move to another European country only amount to either 10 cubic meters (600kg) or 5 cubic meters (300kg) – that is smaller orders – you can save money by sharing the total loading capacity of the van with another customer moving to the same country as you. In order to ensure that orders are not mismatched in any way we run a strict order verification procedure where drivers check all the boxes, furniture and other items with the “CMR form” cargo movement form at the loading and unloading places. Using this service for small and medium orders can help you to save up to 75% on your European Removal but in order to qualify for this service we require some flexibility with dates from you.

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Customs & Immigration Policies when moving from the UK to Switzerland

Customs & Immigration Policies when moving from the UK to Switzerland

So you’ve made the big decision to move to Switzerland. It’s a lovely country and we’re sure you’ll love it. Switzerland boasts one of the highest standards of living in the world and its cities regularly top the list of the most desirable places to live. Naturally, the Swiss want to keep things this way, so they’ve put some rules and regulations in place for people moving to their country. Don’t worry, they’re nothing too complex, but it’s still important you adhere to them. This article will list the key things you must do before your move to Switzerland and also provide you with resources for further information.

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Customs & Immigration Policies when moving from the UK to Norway

Customs & Immigration Policies when moving from the UK to Norway

Norway has some of the most beautiful scenery in Europe, and some of the friendliest people too. Add to this a booming economy and a very high standard of living and you couldn’t have picked a better place to move. In fact, the 2012 UN World Happiness Report placed Norway at number 3 on the list of the happiest countries in the world. But before you grab your things and rush to catch the next flight to Norway, there are some important things you should know about your move there, specifically relating to customs and immigration. This article will address some of the key points, but we suggest you visit the links at the end of this article for more detailed information.

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How to get Red White Red Card in Austria

How to get Red White Red Card in Austria

Since 2011 Austria has introduced the Red White Red Card which allows workers who meet certain criteria from non-EU countries, to live and work in Austria with the intention of permanently settling here.

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