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Living in Slovakia

Living in Slovakia

One of the crucial points of living in Slovakia is buying a property. There are no legal restrictions on buying buildings in Slovakia, but you are restricted if you want to buy agricultural or forest land. Note that houses use the number of rooms, not bedrooms, for sale descriptions. Be sure you understand everything before you sign anything — if necessary use the services of a translator. These are the usual steps to follow:

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Do I Need Visa to Go to Slovakia

Do I Need Visa to Go to Slovakia

If you’re asking yourself “do I need visa to go to Slovakia?” the answer may depend on where you’re coming from. If you’re coming from the EU country then most likely you’ll need just your ID. More details about registering essentials are provided below.

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Slovakia Culture

Slovakia Culture

In Slovakia they speak Slovak, which is the official language, although a significant minority speak Hungarian or Czech. Slovak uses the Latin alphabet.

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Driving in Slovakia

Driving in Slovakia

If you don’t want to be driving in Slovakia, you’ll be glad to know that it offers buses, trains and taxis. In Bratislava and Kosice there are trams, and also trolleybuses in some towns. There are regular trains and buses with neighbouring countries, and taxis are available in every town.

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Medical Care and Pensions in Slovakia

Medical Care and Pensions in Slovakia

Although Slovak State healthcare is poor and may not be easy to access everywhere, attempts are being made to improve the service. Meanwhile, expats should get private medical insurance, or even use neighbouring Vienna for healthcare. If you move to Slovakia without a job you must produce proof of private health insurance in order to obtain a residence permit. Foreign pensions in Slovakia will not cover private or public medical care and you must make most arrangements yourself.

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Moving to Slovakia

Moving to Slovakia

Beautiful women, great food and an easy-going atmosphere: that’s how short term visitors usually describe their impression of the small central European country of Slovakia. But aside from fun-seeking spring breakers, the Slovak Republic also attracts many long-term visitors due to its rapid economic growth, which provides appealing business and working opportunities to all sorts of professionals. If you plan on moving to Slovakia, there are some things you might want to know before you buy a one-way ticket. Read on and learn the basics below.

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