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Where is the Best Place for Expats to Live in Europe? A Guide for Britons

Where is the Best Place for Expats to Live in Europe? A Guide for Britons

Deciding on a new place to call home is a significant life decision, especially for expatriates. With various countries offering unique blends of culture, economy, job opportunities, and scenic views, where is the best place for expats to live in Europe? This question becomes critical as expats consider factors like quality of life, cost of living, and the overall community atmosphere. First, we’ll bring the essentials to the table to finally understand a country that combines the higher number regarding the aimed criteria.

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Relocating to Slovenia from UK

Relocating to Slovenia from UK

Although Britain is not a member of the Schengen Area, and therefore customs formalities apply, because we are members of the EU, there is little of consequence to concern the average Briton when relocating to Slovenia from UK. Within the European Union there is free flow of goods, so you can bring into Slovenia anything for personal use, including currency. The exceptions to this are tobacco and alcohol, where there are restrictions.

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Pensions and Health Care in Slovenia

Pensions and Health Care in Slovenia

In Slovenia the health care service is funded by public health insurance and is generally very good. Private insurance can cover extra medical treatments.

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Slovenian Culture

Slovenian Culture

Slovenia has everything – beautiful countryside, cultural heritage, plenty of sporting opportunities and great food and wine. And the people are friendly and helpful. And although they may appear reserved when first meeting them soon you’ll find out that establishing a social life in Slovenia is a breeze. Also be careful when using self-depreciating humour – in Slovenian culture it may be mistaken as rudeness.

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Living in Slovenia

Living in Slovenia

There are no restrictions to buying a house and living in Slovenia, but there are if you want to buy farm land. Ensure you understand everything before signing anything, if necessary, employ the services of a translator. Make sure you have your tax number and EMSO number from you local authority.

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Driving in Slovenia

Driving in Slovenia

Slovenia can be entered by air, land or sea. In the summer months catamarans offer services to link Venice and other parts of Italy and Slovenia with the capital. Buses are often the most popular form of transport linking the towns and are a fair alternative to driving in Slovenia.

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Moving to Slovenia

Moving to Slovenia

Fancy getting married in the little church on Bled Island? It’s a beautiful place, but the groom will need to be fit as he has to carry his bride up the 99 steps to ensure a long and happy marriage.

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