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Tag Archives : Removals To Italy

7 Cheap places to live in Italy: Spotting Gems for UK Citizens

From Monarchies, Republics, Empires and all the legacy. Literature, architectural marvels, and legal systems still echo, finally, the civilisation we know today. It’s easy to get baffled by all the knowledge that has flourished within those cities. Every street you turn bombards your eyes with stunning architecture and art.

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What is Sanremo famous for?

Sanremo is situated in Italy and it is famously referred to as the City of Flowers, so probably this could be the shortest answer for question “What is Sanremo famous for”. Sanremo was initially established by the Romans, soon after the fall of the Roman Empire, different groups and tribes occupied the area such as the Saracens and Normans. Sanremo has a long rich history, during the 18th and 19th century, the town was a popular social centre, with an influx of foreigners turning the town into an upscale and opulent resort. In 1905 an enormous casino was opened in Sanremo; likewise the erudite composer, Tchaikovsky composed ‘Eugene Onegin’ in Sanremo in the 18th century.

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Pension plan in Italy

Pensions are often associated with retirements and old age citizens, in essence a pension can be described as an efficient way to save money that will provide you with an income in later years. There are different types of pension packages, some schemes are facilitated by the government while others are run by private companies, so always you can find pension plan in Italy tailored to your expectations.

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Active volcanoes in Italy

Italy is renowned for its recurrent volcano eruptions, although volcano eruptions are usually not well received all over the world as they instigate feelings of fear and destruction in people. The recent eruption of Mount Etna in October 2013, did not cause any significant damage to the locals as lava diverters were put in place.

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Food in Italy – Italian cuisine

If you are moving or relocating to Italy, it is important to know about the different cuisines the country has to offer. By way of comparison, Southern Italy is poorer that the Northern and the Central parts. As a result, The Southerners subsisted mainly on vegetarian diet such as greens, pasta and bread. The South is also associated with cattle rearing and shepherding. This doesn’t mean that rich, healthy meals can’t be enjoyed in other parts of the country. As you can see food in Italy depends on geographical location.

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Moving to Italy with a Family

Visit the lovely hill town of Marostica, about 1½ hours from Venice, to see a re-enactment of a live chess duel. In 1454 Lord Tadio Parisio held a living game of chess to decide between two noblemen who wanted the hand of his beautiful daughter, Leonora. The loser had to make do with his younger daughter, Oldrada. He held a grand parade with fireworks, flag-throwing and a great feast.

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