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Tag Archives : Moving To Latvia

Living in Latvia

If you are moving to Latvia from UK there are no restrictions on buying a house in Latvia. However, if you wish to buy land you need the permission of the local municipality, although you may lease land for up to 99 years without restriction. You will require the services of a translator unless your lawyer speaks good English, or your Latvian is excellent. Do not sign anything unless you really understand it. These are the usual steps to take:

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Driving in Latvia

Latvia has a good, reasonably priced, rail service. There is an even wider bus network, mostly with modern buses; comfortable seating and air conditioning. Tickets can be bought at the time or on line. This causes the fact that driving in Latvia will not be your preferred way of getting around.

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Health Care in Latvia

The hospital notes may not follow you around as they do in the UK so if you are moving to Latvia from UK – YOU NEED TO KEEP YOUR OWN ACCURATE AND DETAILED RECORDS! One good thing for us is that many doctors speak good English and are happy to practice it. The NHS website gives excellent advice and up-to-date information.

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Social Life in Latvia

Latvian or Lettish is the official language, but English is also understood in Riga and other tourist locations. Russian and German are also spoken, and at times Russian may appear to be predominant. If you intend to live in a rural area, you should try to learn a little Latvian at least as it will definitely help you with establishing a social life in Latvia. The great thing is that children seem able to absorb languages easily, and unless your Latvian is very good, they will soon be translating for you. Many expats send their children to an international school in Riga.

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Relocating to Latvia from The UK

At 312 metres (1,024’), Gaizinkalns is the highest point in Latvia. Not high enough – look at neighbouring Estonia. Their highest point is Suur Munamagi at 318 metres (1,043.47’), a whole 6 metres (20’) higher. So the Latvians started to build a tower so that they could be higher, but it never got finished and is now closed as unsafe. However, its Freedom Statue is 43 metres high (141’), one of the highest monuments in Europe. If you are moving to Latvia from UK you might be pleased to know that Latvia regained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. It joined the EU in 2004 and has been a member of the Schengen area since 2007. The capital city is Riga and the currency has been the euro since January 2014. Ethnically, the population is 59% Latvian and 29% Russian, and more than a third live in the capital, Riga.

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Moving to Latvia

Moving to Latvia: the land of medieval castles and a mysterious 267-year-old herbal balsam; handwoven linen fabrics and honey-like amber; unique baroque style wooden buildings and one-of-a-kind desserts.

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