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Tag Archives : Living In Romania

Relocating to Romania from the UK

Several fun facts, tips and go-to locations for you, if you consider moving to Romania.

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Romanian Culture

Romanians are known for their hospitality and generosity, and the patriarchal family is the basis of their social structure, members helping each other out in times of need. And Romania is a poor country, its wealth plundered for many years. Twenty-two per cent of the population live below the poverty line. To survive many have to resort to the black market. Yet guests are always fed, manners are polite and formal, the young defer to the elderly and men may kiss a woman’s hand – chivalrous and classical peculiarities of Romanian culture.

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Driving in Romania

Before deliberating about driving in Romania it’s worth to mention that it has an extensive and modern public transport system, which is state owned and administered by the Ministry of Transport. The River Danube is an important waterway with the port of Constanta. Bucharest airport is a major international airport hub. Air travel within Romania faces competition from the state owned CFR railway network.

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Living in Romania

Let us briefly deliberate on all the issues of living in Romania, most notably two main ones, namely buying a house and finding a job.

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Health Care in Romania

If you are a pensioner, you need to inform the IPC (International Pension Centre) to prevent problems with your pension payments (tel. 0191 218 7777). It may also help managing the formalities of receiving health care in Romania.

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Moving to Romania

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