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Tag Archives : Dutch Culture

Dutch Culture

Dutch, the official language, is spoken by around 90% of the population. Around 453,000 people, or 2.2% of the population, speak Frisian as their first language, mainly in the northern province of Friesland, where it is recognised as an official language. There are several dialects of Low Saxon, recognised as regional languages, in the north-east and Limburgish, which is actually many different dialects, is another regional language spoken in the south-east. Turkish and Arabic are also spoken in the Netherlands, each by over 0.6% of the population. All this makes the Dutch culture rather diverse.

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Medical Care in The Netherlands

Medical care in The Netherlands is funded by the Dutch Health insurance, which is obligatory. Failure to obtain it may lead to retroactive bills as well as fines. But you may choose who to go with, and the level of cover you would like. To register you need:

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Public Transportation in The Netherlands

Driving in The Netherlands is one of the easiest ways of transport. The country is quite small so you can discover a lot of cities just by driving through. Did you know that The Netherlands only has two toll roads: de Westerscheldetunnel and Dordse Kil.

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Social Life in Netherlands

It is of course very interesting to take a look at someone’s social life to see how they live. In the Netherlands, you do not even have to look through the keyhole, because the curtains are usually wide open. So you can shamelessly stare inside the house as you pass by. That is a sign that most people in the Netherlands are very open. It is said that this Dutch habit is a descendant of Calvinism. Honest citizens have nothing to hide and with open curtains you know for sure that others are honest.

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Relocating to Holland from UK

When moving to Holland by plane you may land below the sea level. With ¼ below sea level and ½ less than 3’ above, the Netherlands are flat and low. The airport is 14 ½ feet below sea level. The city of Amsterdam is built entirely on poles; there are around eleven million poles holding the city up. The average house needs ten poles but the Royal Palace has 13,659 poles. These are fixed on a sandy layer beneath the clay, around 35’ deep.

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Settling in Netherlands

To properly start off settling in Netherlands you would most likely want to get a place to live in (perfectly one of your own) and find a job. Luckily there are no restrictions on buying a house in Holland.

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Moving to Holland

Moving to another country can be very nerve-wracking. Can you pick up a foreign language? How hard will it be to find a house there? And will you feel at home in general? These are all valid concerns, but with a little guidance, moving to Holland might actually become an adventure you will never forget.

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Moving to Holland with Pets

When you are moving you want to keep your most precious possessions close to you. Moving with your pet to Holland doesn’t have to be difficult. Coming in by plane? In some cases, your pet can come as baggage, but in most cases, your pet will be placed in cargo. The animals go into special cargo compartments that are heated and kept under normal air pressure.

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