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Living in Luxembourg

Living in Luxembourg

Living in Luxembourg Starting off living in Luxembourg usually consists off buying a house and finding a job. Luckily fine and thorough state institutions make both of this things exceptionally easy. Buying a House After a short-lived drop in 2012, Luxembourg’s property market is surging again, amidst a recovering economy. During 2013, the average selling price of houses soared by 10.32%. There are no...

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Social Life in Luxembourg

Social Life in Luxembourg

Social Life in Luxembourg Language in Luxembourg Luxembourgish, the national language, is similar to German. German is the first foreign language for most Luxembourgers and the media use German. French is the administrative language, and English is widely spoken and often the basic language of social life in Luxembourg. Being a multicultural country, the children spend half...

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Social Insurance and Pensions in Luxembourg

Social Insurance and Pensions in Luxembourg

Social Insurance and Pensions in Luxembourg Medical Care and Social Insurance Luxembourg enjoys an excellent healthcare system with a high standard of state-funded healthcare. You may also choose private healthcare. The Caisse de Maladie collects healthcare contributions, and all employed people pay into this. If you are not working you must...

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Driving in Luxembourg

Driving in Luxembourg

Driving in Luxembourg Public Transportation Luxembourg has a good public transport system, easy to use and accessible — the buses in the city are in multicoloured stripes, and the buses make an excellent alternative to driving in Luxembourg. The traffic is very heavy and many lane changes in the capital. You can reach almost anywhere in the country within an hour using trains and buses. Most buses pass the...

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Relocating to Luxembourg

Relocating to Luxembourg

Relocating to Luxembourg Luxembourg Underground 963, the year Count Siegfried built a fortified castle on the Bock promontory. This became the heart of the city of Luxembourg. Mighty walls were added, and Burgundians, Spanish, French and Austrians all added to the core making this one of the strongest fortifications in the world. It included 23km of casements, which could shelter thousands of soldiers and their...

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Moving to Luxembourg from UK

Moving to Luxembourg from UK

Moving to Luxembourg from UK Registering Essentials You must make a declaration of arrival at the Municipal Office in your locality within eight days of moving to Luxembourg from UK. You will need: Identity card or passport Certificate of marriage or partnership, or a family record book Birth certificates for the children You may request...

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