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1 Cubic Meter Visualisation for van removals

We’ve created this page and video for You.

What is 1 cubic metre? This question is frequently asked by our customers and this is why we’ve created the video showing one of our team putting 8 cube boxes together to create a large cube of a volume of 1 cubic metre.

Please note each box is a cube 50 cm long, 50cm deep and 50 cm tall.

If you you are not clear about what metres and centimetres are don’t worry as you are not the only one.  Below are the conversions from the metric to imperial measurements.

  • 19.68 inches = 50cm
  • 39.37 inches = 1 metre
  • 35.31 cubic feet = 1 cubic metre

Just watch our 1 minute long video to see what 1 cubic metre is.

The removal order of a size of 1 cubic metre is not offered by Removals England Ltd.  The smallest order we can accept is 5 cubic metres.

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