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5 cubic metres visualisation for van removals.

How much space is 5 cubic metres in real terms?

Checking the price for your removal on this website is easy but establishing how much space you need in the van for your items may be a bit more complicated. This is why we’ve created a video illustrating how much space 5 cubic metres is.

Each box you can see when watching this video is of cubic shape

  • 50 centimetres deep,
  • 50 centimetres tall
  • 50 centimetres wide

There are 40 boxes of this size needed to make up 5 cubic metres.

Don’t worry if you don’t know how to convert 5 cubic metres into feet as we converted few examples for you:

  • 176 cubic feet = 5 cubic metres
  • 39.37 inches = 1 metre
  • 19.68 inches = 50cm

You can order 5 cubic metres option for your European Removal on this website.

Five Cubic Metres

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