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Want to Find Out The Best Place to Live in Spain for Expats?

Want to Find Out The Best Place to Live in Spain for Expats?

Want to Find Out The Best Place to Live in Spain for Expats? Embarking on the journey of moving abroad can be exhilarating yet daunting, especially...

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Driving in Sweden

Driving in Sweden

Driving in Sweden Public Transportation in Sweden Driving in Sweden is not the preferred way to get around, since public transport is heavily subsidised and very efficient. There are 24 regional networks and an over-system where one ticket is valid on both buses and trains. In the south there are express...

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Social Life in Sweden

Social Life in Sweden

Social Life in Sweden Language Learning Swedish might be useful for establishing a social life in Sweden. It is the official language, spoken by the vast majority of the population. It is similar to both Danish and Norwegian. There are five minority languages, including...

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Living in Sweden

Living in Sweden

Living in Sweden Cost of living in Sweden is rather similar to what you’re used to in UK. Except for groceries, which are much more expensive and rent prices which are significantly lower in Sweden. Buying a house in Sweden In 2013, Sweden’s housing market recorded its strongest...

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Facts about Sweden

Facts about Sweden

Facts about Sweden Facts about Sweden Stockholm is very similar to any major UK city, unless of course you arrive in winter when the temperature is -20°C and a thick layer of snow covers everything. In my article I describe basic...

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Accommodation in Stockholm

Accommodation in Stockholm

Accommodation in Stockholm How to find accommodation in Stockholm? Stockholm is not that different from any major UK city, unless of course you arrive in winter when the temperature is minus 20°C and everything is covered in a thick layer of snow, but...

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Social Life in Spain

Social Life in Spain

Social Life in Spain Language Learning national language may be one of crucial points of diving into the social life in Spain. The only language with official status throughout Spain is Spanish or Castilian. Various other languages have co-official status in specific...

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Living in Spain

Living in Spain

Living in Spain Cost of living in Spain If you exclude the popular tourist destinations in the season, you’ll find that the cost of living in Spain is much lower than in the UK. To compare Barcelona and London: Consumer prices are around 30% lower in Barcelona. Rent prices are...

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Healthcare and Pensions in Spain

Healthcare and Pensions in Spain

Healthcare and Pensions in Spain Healthcare and Social Insurance Once you are registered to work in Spain and make National Insurance contributions, you’ll be entitled to state-run healthcare on the same basis as a Spanish national. For further information, visit the...

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What is it like to live in Brazil? Insights and Main Concerns 

What is it like to live in Brazil? Insights and Main Concerns 


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Transportation in Spain

Transportation in Spain

Transportation in Spain Driving in Spain Driving can become your favourite mean of transportation in Spain. There is spectacular scenery and little, or no congestion, but speed limits often change. Don’t even consider drink driving, unless...

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Moving to Spain from The UK

Moving to Spain from The UK

Moving to Spain from The UK Can 87 880 people be so wrong? There are around 90 000 fewer UK nationals registered in Spain in 2013. This means that nearly a quarter of Britons who dreamed of a life in the sun have had their dreams shattered. The...

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